Our Team
Daniela Camargo
Master´s student in Preservation and Cultural Heritage Management of Health and Science at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/FioCruz, museologist for Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO and Postgraduate in Management of Historical and Cultural Heritage for UFMG in 2011.
Studied photography in Brazil and Italy. Worked with television production in Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and in São Paulo in publicity and cinema areas for 10 years.
Joined the team of co-workers of Photographic Preservation and Conversation Centre of FUNARTE in Rio de Janeiro for nine years, acting as a conservator/photographer and throught the last years was responsible for the projectmanagement area of the same Centre.
Nowadays is vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Conservators and Restorers of Cultural Heritage – ABRACOR.
Mariana Santana
Master in Museology and Heritage by the Masters Program in Museology and Heritage at UNIRIO / MAST. Museologist for Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO and Postgraduate in Management of Historical and Cultural Heritage for UFMG.
Works at the Photographic Preservation and Conservation Centre of FUNARTE in administrative support of the institution and advisement in projects execution At National Archive worked as documental conservator, preparing the documents for microfilming and quality control of restoration process of pieces in paper support.
Participated with the Brazilian Association of Conservators and Restorers of Cultural Heritage – ABRACOR of the production of the First International Journey about Biodeterioration of collections and Environmental Biosecurity in 2005. Recently, was a part of the executive commission of the XII Abracor Congress, being responsible also for the creation of the multimedia CD of the congress abstracts. Is the currently treasurer of ABRACOR’s Directory.
Eliane Alves
Business Administrator for Faculdade de Ciências Contábeis e Administrativas Moraes Júnior-Mackenzie, Postgraduate in Finance for IBMEC in 1990 and Postgraduate in Management of Historical and Cultural Heritage for UFMG in 2011.
Responsable for the financial and administrative processes and for the management of the operational area in long-term projects with the companies.
Developed projects and enterprises in the cultural área, particurlaly as a partner in a Brazilian handcraft and design store, responsable for forming distribution channels for products and for qualifying producing centers.
Worked as Executive of Administration and Finance in Health, Insurance and Banking Industries.